30 (negative). 32 (18.4). 23 (13.5). 55 (15.9). 30 to 60 (low positive). 25 (14.4). 24 (14.0) 130 (70.3%) patients in the MMF group had normal serum creatinine Malaise, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lie`ge, Domaine Univer- sitaire du Sart Font J, Ramos-Casals M, Cervera R, Garcıa-Carrasco M, Torras A, Sisó. Basterretsea, G., Font, J., Blasco, D. and F. Pagès, 2005. General patterns of consists mainly of short-lived rivers without regular water supply. Fig. 1: 2010) which were built since the Upper Pliocene along a 55-km wide segment of the habitats and, finally, the fact that canyons are zones free from bottom trawling, allow
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